Stop Worrying! Who Do You Think You Are?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

As I ponder on what to write about this week, the obvious topic is the brand new year that is approaching very fast.  With that comes all the promises we make to ourselves and others. Do we even want to go there?  Let's not!!!  New Years can have a gamut of mixed emotions: sadness, happiness...regrets, anticipation...fresh start,year ending...a time of reflection, a sense of anxiety for what the new year might bring.

This all adds up to one thing...WORRY.  Does anyone else besides me have to deal with worry?  It is easy for me to pick worry up, carry it around, keep it by my side.  The hard part is getting rid of it, tossing it, leaving it in God's hands.  The secret you know is the leaving it in God's hands.

Matthew 6:26 (Contemporary English Version)
I tell you not to worry about your life. Look at the birds in the sky! They don't plant or harvest.  They don't even store grain in barns.  Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them.  Aren't you worth more then birds?

According to authors, Neil T. Anderson and Rick Miller in the book Freedom From Fear, Overcoming Worry and Anxiety.  Trusting God for tomorrow is a question of our worth.  If God takes care of the birds, so much more will He take care of us. My question to you is..

               Do You Really Know How Much God Loves You ?

I pray that in this New Year you will feel and experience Gods love for you to the fullest. He loves you so much He gives this promise to you.

Psalm 91
Live under the protection of God Most High and stay in the shadow of God All Powerful.
Then you will say to the Lord, "You are my fortress, my place of safety; you are my God, and I trust you.

God will command His angels to protect you wherever you go.  They will carry you in their arms, and you won't hurt your feet on the stones.  You will overpower the strongest lions and the most deadly snakes.

The Lord says, "If you love me and truly know who I am, I will rescue you and keep you safe.  When you are in trouble, call out to me.  I will answer and be there, to protect and honor you.  You will have a long life and see my saving power.




I Can't See The Star !

Monday, December 19, 2011

 Christmas week has arrived whether we're ready or not.  Six days and a few minutes, its done for another year.

So much to do, so little time to do it.  There is all the decorating, the lights, the glitter, the baking, the cooking, the shopping, the wrapping, the rehearsals for the Christmas choir, the Christmas play, the Christmas pageant.  Don't forget the parties, the get togethers, the family dinners, the shipping of the presents, the lists not to lose, the sales, the pictures to take, the table to be set, the travel arrangements to be made, the cards to be sent, friends to call, Christmas movies to watch, along with the everyday activities thrown in.
Ask Yourself:  Can I See The Star?

Matthew 2:2  Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews?  We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.

Do You See It?  Matthew 1:23  The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel-which means GOD WITH US.

He loves you that much that He was born to die for you!  If you can't see the star, I pray that you will take time to find it and that the love and peace of God will fill your heart.  Have a very blessed Christmas!  



Feeling No "Merry" In Christmas

Monday, December 12, 2011

 Christmas is one of those times of the year that the word "Bittersweet" comes to mind.  I know I use that word alot.  (If you read my blog from the week before last, I even call it a syndrome)  Its a word that confuses the mind, but not the heart.

The christmas season has a natural warmth about it, a time for all to celebrate, families, cards, gifts, trees, lights, all reminders of how "merry" the time should be.  But, for many there is no "merry" in Christmas.  Its a time of sadness, lonliness and wishful thinking.

You might be one of those who dread the holidays, who feel like your on the outside looking in.  The days leading to christmas only remind  you of what you don't have.  I have been in that place, a very lonely place, and the holidays only magnify the lonliness.

Its times like this we have to look at the bigger, realistic picture!  We have to get real with ourselves.  Those who look like they live in the "Hallmark" card, seldom do.  We must know that we are all here for the same purpose, but that life is life, only the packaging is different . 

If you don't feel "merry" you can feel certain. God gave each one of us the greatest gift:
Isaiah 9:1,6  Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and He will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Please grab hold of how much God loves you!  Now go have yourself...






Searching For Our Significance

Monday, December 5, 2011

  We all want to feel important, we want to feel that someone cares, but most of the time we are so busy taking care of someone else, we somehow lose what it is that makes us feel important.  Women especially, have a difficult time with this one.  By the way that guilt twinge your feeling just reading about feeling important, proves my point.  True or False:  We all have compelling God-given needs for love, acceptance, and purpose. The answer is TRUE....seriously, its true.  How we get those needs met is the important part.

Sorry to say that a lot of the time we have the "wrong thinking" attempt to meet our needs for success and approval in a couple of ways.  The first I can relate to and I still have to be aware when I'm in the mode...its called compulsiveness.  Its a sneaky little thing, it looks so innocent. Here's how I do it, see if you relate.  Appearance:  I am constantly concerned that I will not look like I should when doing almost anything....what's my hair doing, am I looking hippoish, will I look foolish, overdressed, not casual enough...o.k. you get the picture.  Ever buy something new to wear while in this compulsive mode just to make yourself feel better?  Or how about a down day? You know the kind of day when you just don't like yourself...funny how the car just happened to drive by my favorite fabric and hobby store.  Before I know I am carrying a bag of really cool fabric to add to my collection...this thing called compulsiveness can get to a place that can endanger lives, cause family break know what I mean if you have ever watched the show Hoarders.

The other broad category is withdrawl.  Avoiding failure and risk is the #1 objective. When we withdrawl we are usually trying to avoid failure and disapproval by avoiding risks.  Withdrawling also causes us to gravitate towards people who are comforting and kind, skirting relationships that might demand vulnerability and the risk of rejection.  Withdrawlers seem to be very easy going, but inside they are usually running from every situation or relationship that might not succeed.

Most of us exhibit a combination of the two behaviors at some time or do we find that significance we're looking for?  We have to learn that God is our source of security.  God is the basis of our worth.  God is the only one who promises and will never fail. 

It really doesn't matter what others think, when we know what the Lord says about you and me!



The Bittersweet Holiday Syndrome

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

  Last week at this time I was running like a chicken with my head off. (Sorry about the visual)
so much to do, so little time to do it.  I had planned everything down to the wire, so that when everyone arrived on Thanksgiving, myself and everything else would be looking good.  Not an easy task!

Through all the busyness trying to creep into  my mind were those thoughts that this time next week reality will be looking me in the face.

I call it my "Bittersweet Holiday Syndrome"  I have come to realize that all moms of kids and all gams of grandkids who live in other states come down with this syndrome right after a holiday.

The first symptom starts in the "eyes", the tearing can get intense.  From there the arms begin to feel empty for the "can't get enough hugs" have just pulled out of the drive.  Immediately the ears are affected by the deafening silence, the house is so quiet, followed by the one I dread the most, the heart begins to ache.

Today, some of the symptoms have lessened, I am back into some of my routine, but the dread comes from knowing that my heart will always feel this way, until the next holiday, then it starts all over again.

If you are in the "Bittersweet Holiday Syndrome"  I would love to hear your story. 

Hope to hear from you soon!


Have You Started Your Christmas Shopping?

Monday, June 20, 2011

I know what your thinking! Christmas? It's not even the fourth of July!

In my opinion on the fourth of July summer is pretty much over. Oh, you have the rest of July for the swimming, the bar-b-ques, the sun burns, but when August hits our minds go to school clothes, books and the changing schedules.

July has always been my least favorite month of the year. In which case I don't mind that it seems to go by so fast. It won't be long before a visit to Hobby Lobby will be a winter wonderland experience. The Christmas trees all lit, stockings hung and ornaments galore!

It won't be long before flip flops turn to UGGS and 63 degrees turns to 36 degrees. But no worries Christmas is still six months from next Saturday. And the days won't start getting shorter until next week.

Have a wonderful summer!


Brown Bag Marketing - the power of a partner

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What a profitable and great time we had at Brown Bag Marketing last Tuesday!  

The main topic was, 'Where Do You Go For Help In Getting Started In Business?' The discussion was so informative with a lot of brainstorming. It centered around the concept of every month having a different team partner. The idea is to form a relationship - to learn about each others business so you can tell others, and to encourage one another. 

Its amazing to see really close friendships starting to grow and how the team partners get really excited about the others business. One of the most important aspects of starting a new business is having the CONFIDENCE in yourself and your ideas. Having others who have either been there, done that or going through the same situation helps to see the strengths and the areas that need to be worked on.  

If you haven't been to Brown Bag're really missing out. Our next strategy session is Tuesday, July 12. 

Hope to see you there.  



Laundry Day!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Today's blog is really going to age me, but I feel I have to share about my laundry. Weird I know, but todays topic just the same. My question is: Does anyone besides me remember when Mondays were laundry day?

I mean laundry day...the whole day.

As I was growing up, my grandmother would do laundry on Monday (this is where the aging comes in). We would go down to the basement..not a pretty sight, dirt walls, dirt floor and the smell of dampness filled the whole room.

I loved helping her! There she had a wash machine and two square for rinsing and the other for really rinsing. When the machine was done she would crank the handle and the machine would push each piece of clothing through the wringer at the top of the machine.

My job was to catch them on the other side and put them in the first rinse tub. Then my grandmother would take each piece out of the tub, wring them by hand and put them in the second tub. Then she'd repeat the wringing out, put them in a basket and carry the wet clothes up the stairs to the laundry lines that hung from the house to the end of the yard. Then we'd hang each piece and go back to do the next load. Late in the afternoon she would take each piece of clothing from the line to fold and put in the basket.

As I was dreading to start my daily load of laundry, I thought what am I dreading? It only takes a couple of minutes to put the laundry in the machine. I have those new front loads that have sensors that do all the work then lets me know when its done.

I think my grandmother would be amazed at the very thing I take for granted. Forgive me Lord for overlooking the blessings that hit me in the face everyday. By the way Tuesday was ironing day...but thats a whole different story.

Have a wonderful and blessed laundry day!



Get ready to network!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Last month at Brown Bag Marketing I asked everyone to write down and turn in a topic they would like to discuss. So next Tuesday, June 14th at Brown Bag we will be discussing a couple of these topics.

Dealing with competition is one of those topics. Like it or not your competition is all around you, but in the spirit of free enterprise...competition is a good thing. If your competitor is eating your lunch...that is not good. What are some things you can do to stand out from your competition?

We will also discuss prioritizing/taking care of yourself. If your all work and no play...or trying to please everyone in your life from clients to family you are probably exhausted and running on empty. How do you get it all into perspective?

If your not networking, your missing out. Come enjoy, learn and meet others who share your same concerns.

     Brown Bag Marketing
     Tuesday, June 14,2011
     Location: emPowerU Bldg. 518 So. 6th
     Sign In: 11:00-11:30 A.M.
     Strategy Session: 11:30 A.M.- 1:00 P.M.
     Strategy Session Fee: $20.00

See you there!



Just call me Gams!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Every summer my two granddaughters come to stay for a week. This year it will be two. They are ten and almost eight years old. It's strange how grandkids turn you back into a kid yourself. Life becomes an event, a party, a whole different world. The everyday drudgeries of life are cast to the wind.

The girls favorite thing to do is swim. I was thinking that we could take pictures of the pools over the years without the girls even in the picture. You could tell their ages by the size of the pool. From a very small baby pool to last year buying a large one with the ladder, the pump and oh yeah because of its size, the city required we put up a temporary fence around it. Can you say Gams?

That's what we do as grandparents, we make everything a little bigger, a little better and a lot of fun. Its hard to stuff all the fun into a weeks time, but we do it. Swimming, sewing, riding scooters, crafting, eating out, night, night talks, Worlds of Fun. Whew!!

I love making memories with Mackenzie and Morgan. For those few days everything is NEW again. Something only a Gams would understand.



Goal Setting

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Setting goals can be overwhelming. Where do I start? What are my goals? Do I even have goals? Do I really have the time to sit and think about my goals?

Let me just say that without goals you'll never accomplish your dreams. Daily life has a way of pulling us in many directions and before you know it a year or two has gone by and your still sitting at the starting line.

  1. One of the biggest mistakes is in our enthusiasm we set up unreasonably high goals that will cause you to become frustrated, discouraged and defeated. Here are some ideas for setting goals.
  2. Start with two or three
  3. Be specific, focused and measurable.
  4. Making goals too easy is not realistic. Stretching yourself will produce the best results
  5. Ask yourself: Do I believe in my goals? Believability is what motivates you towards accomplishment.
  6. Not all marketing goals need to be a stretch. Some will be more easily accomplished than others.
  7. Your marketing goals should be recorded either handwritten, or logged into your computer. This allows for tracking, evaluating, measuring and managing.
  8. Scratch off as you accomplish..completion is a good habit.

Remember: Goals build confidence and momentum and that challenge is good for growth. Now go start setting those goals!


Happy Summer!

Monday, May 30, 2011

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!
It's now official....summer has begun. Schools out, the grill is hot, lawn mowers are humming, gardens are growing, pools are splashing, kids are playing.
Ahhh! The beginning of a whole new schedule - just sayin'!
Enjoy it! Remember it won't be long until fall.
Have a safe and awesome summer.


A little haitus...sort of

Friday, May 27, 2011

Summer is here and that means busy schedules, holidays and family vacations. With that in mind, Women Encouraged is taking a little break.

Sort of.

While Brown Bag Marketing will continue to hold its regular monthly meetings, many of the other activities like Book Club, Creative Corner and SOAR are taking the summer off. 

Be sure to check back with us on Facebook or the website ( for dates and times once we get started back up in the Fall. And continue to check back here on the blog for Linda's posts of encouragement.

Have a wonderful summer!


Priorities = Focus

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Business consultant and author Michael LeBoef says,"Devoting a little of yourself to everything means committing a great deal of yourself to nothing."

We've all been there done that. As Dr. Phil would ask, "How's that workin for ya?" 

We all know it doesn't work at all. Women are especially known to brag about all the multi-tasking we do. Songs have been written about our multi-tasking. Most days multi-tasking is essential to get everything done there is to do. But somewhere along the line it will catch up with us. At the end of the day what did you have to omit to get other things done? Most of the time we omit the very things that should be number one on our list.

Time is our most precious commodity. Your priorities determine how you spend it.

Next week we will delve a little deeper into using our time wisely by focusing on our priorities.


My Nesting Place

Monday, May 23, 2011

I think spring has finally come to stay.

It's been touch and go for a few weeks, and summer is definitely trying to interrupt. As I was cleaning and preparing my front porch for all the flowers I had spent most of the morning carefully picking out, I realized what I love about spring is the new areas I find to nest. Places that call to me to come sit awhile. It becomes an extension of my home, and besides preparing it is half the fun.

This year we had to buy new furniture since the old was beginning to look a little shall we say used. New area rug...check, new furniture...check, new fire pit...check, new top for the gazebo...check, new netting...check, throw in some pillows, last but not least hang the chandelier.

After hours of sweat and lots of hard work and the sun beginning to set, I sat in my new chair, snuggled in and looked around. To my surprise many of my neighbors were nesting too.

Spring opens up a whole new world, so don't forget to take time out of your busy schedule to build your nesting place.


Summer break...sort of

Friday, May 20, 2011

Now that summer is here with all of its busy schedules, holidays and family vacations, Women Encouraged is taking a little break.

Sort of.
While Brown Bag Marketing will continue to hold its regular monthly meetings, many of the activities like Book Club, Creative Corner and SOAR are taking the summer off. Be sure to check back with us on Facebook or the website ( for dates and times once we get started back up in the Fall.
And continue to check back here on the blog for Linda's posts of encouragement.
Have a wonderful summer!


Watch your attitude!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Last month at the Brown Bag Strategy Session we talked about your marketing mindset. This month we discussed your marketing attitude.
What's the difference? I'm glad you asked.

Your mindset is a habit - something you do.

Your attitude is your posture - how you feel.

The good news is a mindset can be learned and developed. Here are some things you can do to acquire a strong marketing mindset:
  1. Develop a sensible attitude toward marketing
  2. Have an attitude based on your beliefs
  3. What you believe determines how you behave
  4. A positive attitude helps to build enthusiasm
  5. A positive attitude motivates you to create the time to develop new skills
  6. A positive attitude helps you to set realistic marketing expectations.
  7. A marketing attitude combines optimism with energy
  8. With a marketing attitude marketing tasks are handled with enthusiasm and passion.
There are several practical ways to develop your marketing mindset. Some examples are to look around you, which signs or billboards catch your eye, which commercials stick in your mind, which mail pieces do you throw away, read books on marketing, seek help from experts and of course get involved in Brown Bag Marketing.
If you're interested in learning more about brown bag marketing, and if you're a home-based business owners, entrepreneurs, IDEA entrepreneurs or business woman, join us for two jam-packed hours of Brown Bag Marketing and learn ways to help you grow your business.

     When: June 14, (2nd Tues. of the month)
     Time: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
     Place: emPowerU Bldg., 518 S. 6th St., St. Joseph
     Room: Imagine Cafe'
     Lunch: Bring your brown bag and drink
     Sign in: 11 to 11:30 a.m.
     *In addition to your membership fee, there will be an additional charge of $10 for this session.

Hope to see you there!


Are We There Yet?

Monday, May 16, 2011

There are two sides to this question.
If you're a child, it probably means your bored. You're tired of being in the car, gotta do something besides sit and just can't take one more second of the car ride.
If your the parent, it means...'If I hear that question one more time I will scream,' 'We can't get there fast enough,' 'Who thought this would be fun,' and 'I'll never do this again.'
Even though there are two sides, the outcome is the same. Both sides just want to get it over with right now.
Let me say that we have been redoing our kitchen for the last month (is that all ?) and I gotta ask... 'ARE WE THERE YET?'



Get Together Saturday - Creating that loving feeling

Friday, May 6, 2011

Courtship--a thing of the past? Not if you want to live with a King instead of a fool! Come discuss the principles of courtship and how to create that "loving feeling"...This month Carla Keith will be leading the discussion group on Marriage an Family. Come, meet new friends in a wonderful warm atmosphere, share with friends you know. Each month a different topic of discussion. Fun and laughter are up to you.

What: Get Together Saturday
Date: May 7 (First Saturday of the month)
Time: 9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
Where: The Gothic House Tea & Eatery, 720 South 10th, St. Joseph, Mo. (in the garden, weather permitting)
(In addition to your membership fee, you are monetarily responsible for a charge of $6.50 to the Gothic House, which will include tax and tip.)

Hope to see you there!


Are you complacent with your marketing?

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

It's easy to get complacent when thinking about the marketing aspect of your business. It is especially hard to keep that excitement for marketing attitude if you work out of your home or office alone.

Complacency is your number one enemy. To be complacent means the quality or state of being self satisfied. There are several reasons complacency happens:

  1. Fear - Just thinking about the term marketing sends shivers up and down your spine.
  2. Lack of knowledge - Marketing takes in a lot of takes time to learn and take advantage of all the resources available to get you up to speed.
  3. Just-get-by attitude (laziness) - Too much to learn, too much to do...I just hope this all works out.
  4. Action too late - Many times action comes too late and there is too much to recover from.

If you find yourself stuck in complacency, there is good news - you don't have to stay there. One of the key ways to fight complacency is to get involved in a good networking group. Brown Bag Marketing's goal is to help motivate you to market your business without wasting your time or money. For more information please see our website -


How's your lawn looking?

Monday, May 2, 2011

Don't you love the smell and the look of freshly mowed grass?  
The color, the sound of the humming lawnmowers,but wait, why does your neighbors yard look so much thicker, almost like  carpet.  
Wait! Look how much greener their green is than your pale green. No matter how our life is,  the grass always looks greener on the otherside....everyone has heard or said that line...and most of the time we think its true. 
I mean when we compare our lives to others we never have the green, evenly cut, flowing in the wind, thick like carpet grass. We see our ruts, the worn spots, weeds, not to mention the POO! 



Upcoming events

Friday, April 29, 2011


May 7 (First Saturday of the month)

9:30 to 11:30 a.m.

The Gothic House Tea & Eatery, 720 South 10th, St. Joseph, Mo. (in the garden, weather permitting)

Courtship--a thing of the past?  Not if you want to live with a King instead of a fool! Come discuss the principles of courtship and how to create that "loving feeling"...This month Carla Keith will be leading the discussion group on Marriage an Family. Come, meet new friends in a wonderful warm atmosphere, share with friends you know. Each month a different topic of discussion. Fun and laughter are up to you. (In addition to your membership fee, you are monetarily responsible for a charge of $6.50 to the Gothic House, which will include tax and tip.)

Hope to see you there!


A Marketing Mindset

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A marketing mindset is understanding...
  1. Your target market
  2. Who will buy from you
  3. Why will they buy from you
  4. You relationship with your customers
  5. Your relationship with your prospects
  6. Your business plan
New prospects are important, but the relationship with your present customers is MOST important. They have already decided to do business with you, so how are you going to keep them?
Thats what Brown Bag Marketing is all about...getting you the business owner to get out of the tunnel vision and into the whole picture.
If you're interested in learning more about brown bag marketing, and if you're a home-based business owners, entrepreneurs, IDEA entrepreneurs or business woman, join us for two jam-packed hours of Brown Bag Marketing and learn ways to help you grow your business.

     When: May 10, (2nd Tues. of the month)
     Time: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
     Place: emPowerU Bldg., 518 S. 6th St., St. Joseph
     Room: Imagine Cafe'
     Lunch: Bring your brown bag and drink
     Sign in: 11 to 11:30 a.m.
     *In addition to your membership fee, there will be an additional charge of $10 for this session.

Hope to see you there!


Simon Says

Monday, April 25, 2011

When was the last time you played Simon Says?  
Remember how you felt? 
You would begin the game with all the confidence that you would not move until simon told you to. Before you knew it there you were sitting on the sidelines.
Being a" people pleaser" is kind of like playing Simon Says. You have set your goals and a plan to get there, you have all the confidence that you can do this, that your not going to move unless it is part of the goal.
It doesn't have to be big goals, it can be your goal for the day. Before you know it there you are moving in other directions that aren't part of the plan. You find yourself doing everyones plans but yours. 
Not being able to say "NO" will eventually find you sitting on the sidelines, burned out, discouraged, forgetting where you were even headed.
Before you say "YES", stop and think: Am I doing this for the right reason? Or am I doing this to please others  so they will like me... think I am a wonderful person... tell others how great I am...look good to make myself feel better about me.  If any of these sound familiar.


Upcoming events

Friday, April 22, 2011

May 7 (First Saturday of the month)
9:30 to 11:30 a.m.
The Gothic House Tea & Eatery, 720 South 10th, St. Joseph, Mo.

This month Carla Keith will be leading the discussion group on Marriage an Family. Come, meet new friends in a wonderful warm atmosphere, share with friends you know. Each month a different topic of discussion. Fun and laughter are up to you. (In addition to your membership fee, you are monetarily responsible for a charge of $6.50 to the Gothic House, which will include tax and tip.)


What's your marketing mindset?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

To many, the word 'marketing means, first and foremost, spending lots of money - advertising, business cards, signs, letterhead, the list is endless.
But it might surprise you to know marketing doesn't have to cost a lot of money. In fact, it is a very small part of marketing. The truth is, people will buy from who they know and like. Marketing is really more about relationships. Business cards come and go, but relationships will stick.
With that in mind, WE now hosts a Brown Bag Marketing workshop every month with the goal of forming relationships with your prospects, clients and yes, even your competitor. We want to take the stuffiness out of networking and teach you to have fun with marketing.



Where do you live?

Monday, April 18, 2011

This week as I was talking with a client, a picture began to pop into my head. Let me take you there...
Imagine a beautiful pond at the edge of a meadow full of tall green grasses blowing in the wind, touched by the color of various wild flowers big and you scan the meadow the beauty of it all is amazing. The sense of peace overwhelms you. 
The pond itself has its own beauty, there are lily pads floating with burst of colorful blooms, you can see a swan or two gracefully gliding across the water, the reflection of the sun dance glistening jewels so bright they hurt your eyes. 
The temptation is too much - you just have to take your shoes off and wade slowly into this pond.



Brown Bag Marketing

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Home-based business owners, entrepreneurs, IDEA entrepreneurs, business women...are you looking for a great way to get serious about marketing and networking? 
Linda Huffman, certified life coach, owner of two businesses and director of Women Encouraged, will jam pack these two hours with ways to help you grow your business.

When:   April 12, (2nd Tues.)
Time:    11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Place:   emPowerU Bldg., 518 S. 6th St., 
               St. Joseph
Room:  Imagine Cafe'   
Lunch:  Bring your brown bag and drink
Sign in: 11 - 11:30 a.m.

*In addition to your membership fee, there will be an additional charge of $10 for this session.


Are you running on empty?

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

I'm excited, very excited ! 
This is my first blog, so that now makes me a blogger. This is quite an accomplishment for someone who finds the (for dummies) books too complicated. I think I'm ready to do this, so here goes.
As a life coach for women and director of a women's group for the last ten years, I definitely have a lot of opportunity to hear what goes on in the lives of women. My conclusion: Women - no matter size, hair color, beautiful, ordinary, tall or short - all deal with the same issues.
My goal for this blog is to bring women from all over together, to touch on topics of everyday life, to encourage one another and try to help put some balance in our busy lives.


Women Encouraged

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About This Blog

Women Encouraged founder and director, Linda Huffman believes in doing all she can to help women be all they can be - physically, emotionally and spiritually. WE strives to do that by helping women recognize their strengths, conquer their weaknesses, bring balance in all areas of their lives and promote confidence in who they are, which gives them the courage to reach for those desires in their hearts that seem impossible.

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