A Change of Heart ?

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

I have been around for awhile, I'm not new at this living life thing.  I sometimes think there is nothing that can surprise me, not that I'm as old as the hills for pete sakes, but the one thing that consistantly takes me off guard a bit, is how things in life never stay the same.  People, places, circumstances are continually changing.

The mention of the word change can send some into a state of panic, they just don't like change.  Others are always seeking out change, they are never content.  When I was younger I was the one seeking, I loved change, it meant excitement, new things ahead.  Now I am not fond of change although there are times I can do nothing about it, but go with the flow.

Some areas need change, whether we want to or not, in fact its the hardest area to change.  the heart doesn't change without a fight.  It self protects, doesn't like to be vulnerable and is easily hurt.

Physically and emotionally the heart is the most important organ in the body.  It's what keeps us alive physically, without it we would die,  emotionally it brings much happiness or hurt with such pain.

The spiritual side of the heart is of equal importance for without a drastic change of heart we die spiritually.  There are so many scriptures that speak of the heart, although they all draw to one conclusion, we must seek the Lord with all of our heart.  In Jeremiah 29:13  it's really clear.  "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart".  In a nutshell, to find God we must seek Him with ALL of our heart, not a piece here and there or when its convenient but daily.  Spending time with Him, talking to Him, loving Him.  With Him there is nothing the heart can do but change.

1Samuel 16:7  Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.   


Where Is That Duck?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

  Most of you won't remember this saying, your way too young.  When I was in grade school it was one of the popular lines everyone would say.  It goes something like this.  What's Life?  Life is a magazine.  O.K.  I know what your thinking. Seriously?  That's it?  Yep  I'm afraid it is.  (it was a much simpler time)  First of all you have to be old enough to know that once there was a magazine named Life. It was one of the more popular reads.  The jest of it was to do exactly what it said, talk about life, whether celebrity, ordinary or general.

You know things really haven't changed much in life.  Let's leave out technology, fads, communication, etc.  I'm talking behind the scene, when no one is around life.  I always say, "Just when you think  you have all your ducks in a row, one comes up missing."

Isn't that the way it goes in life?  Everything is going smooth, things are falling in place, you got your new job, you got that raise, you just found out your going to be a parent or a grandparent, you graduated, you got married.

Then it happens, the washer stops working, that bill left from Christmas comes in, the flu decided to make a visit to your house, the teacher called to make an appt. with you about your child.  You know what I mean.  Life just happens and sometimes its not very fair. It can be a hard road to climb. (or gate) depending on who you are.

How we cope with this unfairness will determine how we look at life.  We can become bitter and anxious, trying to do it all on our own or we can trust in the Lord that gave us life.  Trusting is not easy, its not the norm for us.  But it is the answer to "life" itself.  When life becomes rough and we don't know what to do, scripture makes it very clear.

Proverbs 18:10  The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are saved.

How are you looking at life right now?  Is it:  Bitter or Better ?


I'm Walking In Sonshine !

Monday, January 16, 2012

 I am a sunshine person.  I even take sunshine breaks in the middle of the day.  I will find a warm sunny spot in my house, stand or sit with my head up towards the sun, eyes closed and soak in the rays.  I can instantly feel the warmth clinging to me, my energy level begins to rise, my attitude begins to change and I am ready to conquer those things I need to do.

I never gave it much thought about how the sunshine affected my mood, but I have become aware that many, if not most of us have some seasonal affective disorder. (SAD)  In the winter months we become less active and are drawn indoors because of the cold, making us more isolated.  When we feel isolated it helps to make us feel that we are left with little options.

This year because of the spring like weather, it has felt as if March is at our doorstep, which means spring is close behind. NOT!  This constant battle between warm and cold temperatures can be physically and mentally exhausting.  Not to mention the imagery of dead trees and little livelihood does not do much for pleasing the eyes.

In my kitchen I decided to hang a chalkboard....I took a nice size board, painted the board with chalkboard paint, put a beautiful frame around it (Looks Cool!) hung it where I would be sure to see what it says.  Right now it says "This is the day the Lord has made." In our everyday life it is easy to forget that the Lord has blessed us with another day, whether the sun is out or not.  Speaking for myself I can  have a mood change just looking at the 10 day weather forecast.  Why should it matter if its sunny or not?  The Lord has given us another day and that alone should make us smile.  :)

Psalm 118:24  This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.       


How's Your Heart?

Monday, January 9, 2012

  Ah! January, the month for goals, resolutions, promises, decisions, go get em, hit the ground running kind of month. 

It always starts  out with a BANG!!! Seriously, did you hear all those fireworks at midnight?

I am a journaler, so every year I jot down those areas I feel the Lord is trying to get my attention in.  Last year I had nine areas.  This year as I was looking over that list I discovered I had truly accomplished four of them.  Good Job!!

Goals are hard!  You forget, get busy, lose interest, too tired.  The biggy!! Our expectations are way too high for ourselves.  We are so very critical of us.

One of the major reasons we don't reach our goals?  The time restraint we set for ourselves to accomplish those things that took us a lifetime to pick up.  Those comfort zones we need to get out of, the can't say "NO" we need to change, those habits that just aren't good for us.

The Good News!!!  God is not on that same time frame that we give ourselves to accomplish all the things that need to be changed.

Exodus 34:6  The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness.

The key is that God knows our HEART.  So the next time you shudder, break out in a cold sweat, hide under the bed, when you hear the word "GOALS" try thinking of them this way, it will remind you that God loves you so much, and your too hard on YOU.



Guest Blogger: Mackenzie Ramseier

Monday, January 2, 2012

 This week I am really excited that "WE" has a guest blogger.  Her name is Mackenzie Ramseier.  She is 10 yrs. old and lives in the Chicago area.  Her passion is reading (Color Nook for Christmas), her goal is to become an author.  I asked her to write on one or two topics of her choice.  Here is what she wrote.  ENJOY!


The true meaning of Christmas is always covered by commercialism like a thick fog.  Jesus is covered over by toys and money and many other things that are fine, but compared to Jesus, its meaningless.  People slowly start to drift away from God.

In fact, if you ask someone what the true meaning is, most likely, they'll say gifts.  God gave us such a great gift in such a small package.  We need to respect that.  Make sure if someone asks you what the true meaning is, you answer Jesus.  THE END.


Girls are beautiful.  We spend hours washing our hair and bodies.  The truth is, we need to keep clean, we need to spend more time washing our hearts, our souls.  So whenever you take a shower, spend only half the time you usually take.  Spend the other half praying or doing good deeds.

I think this says it all.  Thank You Mackenzie for sharing! 



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Women Encouraged founder and director, Linda Huffman believes in doing all she can to help women be all they can be - physically, emotionally and spiritually. WE strives to do that by helping women recognize their strengths, conquer their weaknesses, bring balance in all areas of their lives and promote confidence in who they are, which gives them the courage to reach for those desires in their hearts that seem impossible.

A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23


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