Stop Worrying! Who Do You Think You Are?

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

As I ponder on what to write about this week, the obvious topic is the brand new year that is approaching very fast.  With that comes all the promises we make to ourselves and others. Do we even want to go there?  Let's not!!!  New Years can have a gamut of mixed emotions: sadness, happiness...regrets, anticipation...fresh start,year ending...a time of reflection, a sense of anxiety for what the new year might bring.

This all adds up to one thing...WORRY.  Does anyone else besides me have to deal with worry?  It is easy for me to pick worry up, carry it around, keep it by my side.  The hard part is getting rid of it, tossing it, leaving it in God's hands.  The secret you know is the leaving it in God's hands.

Matthew 6:26 (Contemporary English Version)
I tell you not to worry about your life. Look at the birds in the sky! They don't plant or harvest.  They don't even store grain in barns.  Yet your Father in heaven takes care of them.  Aren't you worth more then birds?

According to authors, Neil T. Anderson and Rick Miller in the book Freedom From Fear, Overcoming Worry and Anxiety.  Trusting God for tomorrow is a question of our worth.  If God takes care of the birds, so much more will He take care of us. My question to you is..

               Do You Really Know How Much God Loves You ?

I pray that in this New Year you will feel and experience Gods love for you to the fullest. He loves you so much He gives this promise to you.

Psalm 91
Live under the protection of God Most High and stay in the shadow of God All Powerful.
Then you will say to the Lord, "You are my fortress, my place of safety; you are my God, and I trust you.

God will command His angels to protect you wherever you go.  They will carry you in their arms, and you won't hurt your feet on the stones.  You will overpower the strongest lions and the most deadly snakes.

The Lord says, "If you love me and truly know who I am, I will rescue you and keep you safe.  When you are in trouble, call out to me.  I will answer and be there, to protect and honor you.  You will have a long life and see my saving power.




I Can't See The Star !

Monday, December 19, 2011

 Christmas week has arrived whether we're ready or not.  Six days and a few minutes, its done for another year.

So much to do, so little time to do it.  There is all the decorating, the lights, the glitter, the baking, the cooking, the shopping, the wrapping, the rehearsals for the Christmas choir, the Christmas play, the Christmas pageant.  Don't forget the parties, the get togethers, the family dinners, the shipping of the presents, the lists not to lose, the sales, the pictures to take, the table to be set, the travel arrangements to be made, the cards to be sent, friends to call, Christmas movies to watch, along with the everyday activities thrown in.
Ask Yourself:  Can I See The Star?

Matthew 2:2  Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, "Where is the one who has been born King of the Jews?  We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him.

Do You See It?  Matthew 1:23  The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call Him Immanuel-which means GOD WITH US.

He loves you that much that He was born to die for you!  If you can't see the star, I pray that you will take time to find it and that the love and peace of God will fill your heart.  Have a very blessed Christmas!  



Feeling No "Merry" In Christmas

Monday, December 12, 2011

 Christmas is one of those times of the year that the word "Bittersweet" comes to mind.  I know I use that word alot.  (If you read my blog from the week before last, I even call it a syndrome)  Its a word that confuses the mind, but not the heart.

The christmas season has a natural warmth about it, a time for all to celebrate, families, cards, gifts, trees, lights, all reminders of how "merry" the time should be.  But, for many there is no "merry" in Christmas.  Its a time of sadness, lonliness and wishful thinking.

You might be one of those who dread the holidays, who feel like your on the outside looking in.  The days leading to christmas only remind  you of what you don't have.  I have been in that place, a very lonely place, and the holidays only magnify the lonliness.

Its times like this we have to look at the bigger, realistic picture!  We have to get real with ourselves.  Those who look like they live in the "Hallmark" card, seldom do.  We must know that we are all here for the same purpose, but that life is life, only the packaging is different . 

If you don't feel "merry" you can feel certain. God gave each one of us the greatest gift:
Isaiah 9:1,6  Nevertheless, there will be no more gloom for those who were in distress. For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and He will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Please grab hold of how much God loves you!  Now go have yourself...






Searching For Our Significance

Monday, December 5, 2011

  We all want to feel important, we want to feel that someone cares, but most of the time we are so busy taking care of someone else, we somehow lose what it is that makes us feel important.  Women especially, have a difficult time with this one.  By the way that guilt twinge your feeling just reading about feeling important, proves my point.  True or False:  We all have compelling God-given needs for love, acceptance, and purpose. The answer is TRUE....seriously, its true.  How we get those needs met is the important part.

Sorry to say that a lot of the time we have the "wrong thinking" attempt to meet our needs for success and approval in a couple of ways.  The first I can relate to and I still have to be aware when I'm in the mode...its called compulsiveness.  Its a sneaky little thing, it looks so innocent. Here's how I do it, see if you relate.  Appearance:  I am constantly concerned that I will not look like I should when doing almost anything....what's my hair doing, am I looking hippoish, will I look foolish, overdressed, not casual enough...o.k. you get the picture.  Ever buy something new to wear while in this compulsive mode just to make yourself feel better?  Or how about a down day? You know the kind of day when you just don't like yourself...funny how the car just happened to drive by my favorite fabric and hobby store.  Before I know I am carrying a bag of really cool fabric to add to my collection...this thing called compulsiveness can get to a place that can endanger lives, cause family break know what I mean if you have ever watched the show Hoarders.

The other broad category is withdrawl.  Avoiding failure and risk is the #1 objective. When we withdrawl we are usually trying to avoid failure and disapproval by avoiding risks.  Withdrawling also causes us to gravitate towards people who are comforting and kind, skirting relationships that might demand vulnerability and the risk of rejection.  Withdrawlers seem to be very easy going, but inside they are usually running from every situation or relationship that might not succeed.

Most of us exhibit a combination of the two behaviors at some time or do we find that significance we're looking for?  We have to learn that God is our source of security.  God is the basis of our worth.  God is the only one who promises and will never fail. 

It really doesn't matter what others think, when we know what the Lord says about you and me!



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Women Encouraged founder and director, Linda Huffman believes in doing all she can to help women be all they can be - physically, emotionally and spiritually. WE strives to do that by helping women recognize their strengths, conquer their weaknesses, bring balance in all areas of their lives and promote confidence in who they are, which gives them the courage to reach for those desires in their hearts that seem impossible.

A Shepherd Looks At Psalm 23

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