Where Is That Duck?
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Most of you won't remember this saying, your way too young. When I was in grade school it was one of the popular lines everyone would say. It goes something like this. What's Life? Life is a magazine. O.K. I know what your thinking. Seriously? That's it? Yep I'm afraid it is. (it was a much simpler time) First of all you have to be old enough to know that once there was a magazine named Life. It was one of the more popular reads. The jest of it was to do exactly what it said, talk about life, whether celebrity, ordinary or general.
You know things really haven't changed much in life. Let's leave out technology, fads, communication, etc. I'm talking behind the scene, when no one is around life. I always say, "Just when you think you have all your ducks in a row, one comes up missing."
Isn't that the way it goes in life? Everything is going smooth, things are falling in place, you got your new job, you got that raise, you just found out your going to be a parent or a grandparent, you graduated, you got married.
How we cope with this unfairness will determine how we look at life. We can become bitter and anxious, trying to do it all on our own or we can trust in the Lord that gave us life. Trusting is not easy, its not the norm for us. But it is the answer to "life" itself. When life becomes rough and we don't know what to do, scripture makes it very clear.
Proverbs 18:10 The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are saved.
How are you looking at life right now? Is it: Bitter or Better ?
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